When Holly first asked me about hosting a giveaway, I wasn't sure that I really wanted, or had time, to do it. Then I read her comment and realized that I have been pretty fortunate the last couple of years with a steady income, healthy family and friends, and the freedom and opportunity to run my crafting business. So why couldn't I share a few of the things I have sitting around my craft room and possibly pass some small joy on to someone else?
You can view the Master List of Flag Day Giveaways here. In case the hyperlink does not work, copy and paste the url below into your browser to get to the Master List site.
So, without further ado...here is what I am giving away:
Handmade items:
Notepad Holder and matching Binder Clips
Notepad Tin
Boxed set of 5 All Occasion Cards (Blank Inside)
3 Holiday Gift Card Holders.
Product (All items from Stampin' Up!):
One Package Carousel Note Cards and Envelopes
One Box of Heart Treat Cups (dozen)
One Package Jewel Basics Rhinestones
One Package 1/2" Library Clips (Chocolate Chip, Old Olive, White)
One Roll Crumb Cake Seam Binding
Afterthoughts Clear Mount Stamp Set

And here is the entire Flag Day Giveaway Package from Artful Imagination.

The winning poster will be chosen using random.org, but the post MUST contain a comment sharing your blessing. Big or small it does not matter, just share! The post must also contain a way to contact you. If you are the winner, I want to be able to let you know. :) If either of these items are missing from the selected post, a new post will be chosen as the winner.
Fine Print:
- This particular Giveaway is only open to U.S and Canada. Please check the Master List as some Hosts may be shipping Internationally.
- Flag Day Giveaways will officially be open from 9 am CST June 14th through June 17th to give everyone plenty of time to view all the Giveaways.
- Please carefully check each Blog/Etsy Shop's requirements for winning their particular Giveaway package. We were given some leeway as to how we wanted to select winners.
- I will contact the winner on June 18, 2011, as well as post it on my blog. The winner is responsible for supplying their shipping information to me by 10 am CST June 21, 2011, otherwise another winner will be selected.
- The Giveaway package will be shipped by June 21, 2011, by Priority Mail, unless another winner needs to be selected (see #4).
awesome prize package! I love your handmade projects. I am blessed to have had a very successful back surgery this year that relieved me of a great deal of pain.
Oh my goodness, Kym, what a splendid array of goodies--I'm especially taken with that marvelous notepad tin!
Thank you so much for hosting the lead-off spot on our inaugural Flag Day Giveaway--well done, and thank you for being such a blessing!
The blessings that I have a re many.
I have a large family and with them and the love and support of my husband and family I have gotten through three surgeries.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
Hi Kym,
Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful prizes here! I'm blessed to have been able to stop working outside our home and be a stay-at-home mom. It has been wonderful for my family and something I try to not take for granted.
Hi Kym, what a wonderful lot of goodies! Thanks for the chance to win! This past year I have been so blessed. I have been able to start working less and focus more on my schooling. I have been able to spend more time doing what I love-- crafting. And most importantly, I am blessed in having a healthy, happy, loving and supportive family!!
Awesome handmade items! Thanks again!
What a great give a way! Thanks for your generousity! My blessings are many - happy, healthy family, good job and my health is improving rapidly!!
I have more blessings than I can count! I have a wonderful family, a great job (that allows me to have summers off with my kids), and more friends than I can count. If that wasn't enough - today is my 14th wedding anniversary. Thanks a bunch for the chance to win your awesome giveaway prizes - Happy Flag Day!
Wow - I love that tin! It's beautiful! And what a generous prize to give away! Brought a smile to my face today!
What a generous giveaway! Beautiful work on your projects!
I have had many blessings this year..my husband is safe at home this year from deployments, both my children are healthy and moving on with their own lives, and I have a family that I love very much and I'm going on 7 mths no smoking...so I'm very thankful for the many blessings I've been given this year.
Thanks for the chance to win great blog candy! I am blessed to have four healthy children and cherish (most) every moment with them!
carlson_susan at hotmail dot com
I have a Mom-in-law who I care for, live with, and just love. She's 90 years old and full of spunk, love and kindness. In January she had her one knee replaced, and all the physical therapy involved. And Mom taught me how to endure adversity with a smile. The doctors thought she was "too old" but when they met Mom, saw her determination, and how healthy she is, they agreed to surgery. Mom is walking so much better, and I feel she is the best blessing I could have!
With all the blessings that we recieve each day how can you select just one. Just waking up and breathing with no problems is a blessing. Looking at what others don't have compared to most of us makes me realize all I own is a blessing.
Your stuff is cute too by the way!!!
Thank you for offering such awesome blog candy.
I feel truly blessed this year because my DD is expecting a baby the beginning of August. This is after several miscarriages and a tubal pregnacy.
Theresa in Kitimat
Hi Kym,
Thanks for taking part in the hop and for offering such a generous giveaway. I am blessed that my mother's health scare last summer turned out OK. Happy Flag Day & Happy Crafting!
Thank you so much for celebrating Flag Day with this giveaway! I am an American Vet that lives in Canada and my blessings in the past year were the birth of my Grandson, having a pain relieving surgery and getting a new job with good benefits! It was a very good year!
Ooops! I forgot to leave my e mail addy. hiscreation 2 at hotmail dot com. Thank you.
WOW!! That is some giveaway. Thanks for your generousity. I am most thankful for my health. At my age, most of my friends are having trouble with so many things, walking, aches and pains everyday, hearing loss, etc. I am very active and healthy. I thank God for this and many more blessings I have been fortunate to receive.
I am blessed with a wonderful family that I am thankful for every day. And two weeks ago I added a daughter to my family when my younger son married a lovely young lady. Blessings abound!!! Praise the Lord.
Great giveaway... happy flag day!
Wow Kym! What an awesome assortment of goodies. I would love to win this. My blessings are many. God continually takes care of us. Despite the fact that my husband hasn't had a regular job in a couple of years, the bills are all paid, our vehicles keep running, we are all healthy and we have wonderful friends and family to love and support us. God is GOOD all the time!
Forgot my email: pattistamps@hotmail.com Thanks again for this opportunity.
Sorry, forgot to add my e-mail.
just4stamping at earthlink dot net
Great giveaway,which will surely be a blessing to someone! I, too, have many blessings. Among them, a relationship with Jesus Christ, a wonderful and supportive husband of 42 years, 3 terrific children and their spouses, and 7 precious grandchildren who all live within 20 minutes of me!!! Now that is blessed!
my contact:bandk6769@sbcglobal.net
Every night I pray and thank God for my family, their health and happiness; my home and all the utilities (ha); our vehicles (that continue to run and get us where we need to go); our finances (which never seem to be enough but God has always provided us with what we need). Times are hard. I feel like I need to give Him credit where it is due!
Thanks for your generosity! I hope your winner will use it well.
God Bless,
nginerd at gmail dot com
What a great give-away. Oh I have so many blessings. But currently I am at the beach with my husband and three of our sons -so peaceful, so blessed.
How the crafting I could do with that! Thanks for offering the give away and I hope to win :)
Danielle Bresnak
What a great giveaway!
My blessing this year that I just got a job!!!
What a fantastic way to celebrate the birth of the US Army and our country's flag! May it always wave. I am blessed to have completed my 37.5 year of teaching, have a supportive daughter and son-in-law, and a son who serves his country.
What a fabulous prize. Thanks for a chance. I have been so blessed with a happy healthy family and a chance to share what I love with family and friends.
Wow - you have some nice things in your giveaway!
I've been blessed with good health for myself and my family. I'm blessed to still enjoy time with my parents, who are both in their 80s. I've also been blessed with some of the bestest online friends ever. And most recently, I've been blessed with an abundance of lettuce from our garden. :)
ph_in_va (at) comcast (dot) net
Awesome give away! Happy Flag Day!
Thanks for the giveaway :) I have been blessed this year with an amazing husband, a new home and supportive family.
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
Wow Kym this is quite the goodie load :) I continue to be blessed with a loving husband and a solid job. My kids are also a blessing. This may not sound like a blessing, but my grandmother passed away and as she was a living shell and no longer recognizeable as my grandmother and she was ready to go, it was a blessing for her and for us. Thanks for the chance to win these goodies and for joining in on this fabulous Flag Day celebration!
rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com
Great giveaway! I have been blessed with my job. We have laid off over 30 people in the last year at my company. So thankful that I wasn't one of them.
Mary Lou
marrelou at gmail dot com
What an assortment! I love the tin!
What I am thankful for, my family, both birth and military family over the years. I have been blessed to visit and make friend all over the far east and have raised a wonderful daughter.
I don't want to enter the candy, but just wanted to pop along and say Hi.
What a great package. I'm thankful for my family, my new home, the ability to stay home with my daughter, and my loving husband.
One of the biggest blessings I have had over the past year is the birth of my youngest grandson. My daughter & her hubby have been trying for over 6 yrs. to conceive, and then after getting pregnant she had to have her cervix stitched together at 19 weeks, and was in the hospital for 5 weeks. After her release, she was still on complete bedrest until the delivery. She lost her job because of being off so long, but we have the cutest boy ever, and hopefully Caleb can live up to his name!
This daughter also just returned from Haiti after several weeks with the Colorado Army National Guard. God Bless our Military!
I love flag day and all of the celebration of our flag. I feel extremely blessed just to live in the USA! Thanks for your generosity on this special day!
Love the idea for the Flag Day giveaway. Although I lost my mother this year to Pancreatic cancer, I am blessed that I have my two wonderful daughters and husband.
I'd love to win this giveaway! One of the blessings of this year was celebrating my parents' 50th anniversary!
You can contact me at stampwithjane@charter.net
Thanks for the chance to win. Love your items. I am very blessed this year. After 2 deployments in 3 years, this year my husband is home...
Wonderful gifts!
My blessings are my family- after falling in January and breaking my ankle, they have been wonderful and supportive in my recovery. Also I will be gaining a son in law in the near future!
Amy Macak
ajmacak at gmail dot com
I was blessed with a new, quieter dishwasher this past year! :) ahighlandmom@earthlink.net
Wow, what a wonderful array of "candy", I am so blessed to have my son home safely from Afghanistan. He still serves and I serve by making cards for OWH...thank you for your generosity. kohlercat2005@yahoo.com
I have many blessings... the one I'm thinking about most today is my grandmother. Tomorrow my grandmother turns 84. She has alzheimer's so every day we have with her is a blessing. Everyday she recognizes us is a gift. thewronas@yahoo.com
What a fun time with prizes to boot! I am blessed this year because I was able to retire which gives me more time to spend with Grandbabies and more time to craft!
Blessinngs? You never really know how blessed we are until you start to think about it! Last week our central air went out and we were so hot and miserable but we now have a nice new central unit and I was blessed to be able to pay for it! I am thankful I can create things. I just saw where there is a benefit garage sale and bakesale for a member of our church. I have a couple of weeks and I think I will make some card sets to sell. I have a bunch of candles and stuff I always feel obligated to buy at parties - I think this would be a good time to give them up since I don't usually burn candles. Someone else may as well benefit from them. As far as health, I am glad I was diagnosed and have the money and insurance to pay for my medications etc. I could go on and on!
Thanks for your amazing prizes.
Chris R. from Iowa
Hi Kym - you are so generous! I love the items you have made. My blessing are in abundance as you know - friends and family. The biggest one right now is watching Bob can his banana peppers as he is now qualified to can and sell!
Such generousity! The items you made are lovely. I have a loving and intelligent hubby. I have a daughter that ives 15 minutes away. And the most wonderful granddaughter anyone could ever want. I am so blessed
Sharon L
sharon lemon @ sbcglobal dot net
My blessings this year have been health for myself and my family, my son with special needs doing well in school and making friends, my upcoming trip to Israel and our dear sons becoming bar mitzvah'd this fall.
Oops- I'm new to this and forgot my e-mail address in there: twinks898@aol.com
Wow, this is great, and so are the many cool projects you are sharing. I have been blessed to have had friends that have helped me through a tough year; and especially that God has helped me so much--my Rock.
God bless,
Bonnie S
stampin-ak at gci dot net
What a blessing you are to all of us. Such a great gift you are giving away, thanks. I am blessed by my church, family and friends, last year, this year and in years to come.
I have been so blessed this past year. My husband has found a job giving my family the ability to be significantly more financially secure. My FIL also went through some scary medical stuff but in the end he came out okay. Not to mention both my little blessings; my 2 little girls.
Thanks for letting me play.
Ria Blackwell rforsch1@yahoo.com
What a wonderful prize package, thank you so much for the opportunity to win this. I am blessed with 2 wonderful children who truly are an inspiration to me every day.
I thought I better leave my email address so you can get in touch with me when I win. I left a comment above this one. My email address is marionew@comcast.net. Thanks again.
This is a very generous giveaway. I have also been blessed with steady income, healthy family & friends. I feel very fortunate every day. God Bless the USA! You can reach me at myturn4fun at gmail dot com when I win! lol
what an awesome prize package!
this past year i have been blessed with many things, but the first thing i thought of was my granddaughter. she is 21 months old, and every minute i spend with her is a true blessing. she lives 12 hours away with her parents, we try to get together as much as possible (4-5 times a year) but that's just not enough time!
linda patti tpatti@windstream.net
We all should be so proud of our flag. It means so much that we all take for granted. thanks for the opportunity to win some candy.
Hi, Kym! I am most grateful that my 16 yo DD does not have skin cancer anymore. I love your blog. You are so talented. What an awesome giveaway! Pick me, pick me, pick me! Lol
Wow Kym these are all wonderful giveaways. I have many blessings but the one I rally think about on special days like today is I live in America. I live in a country that has freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the freedom to vote and other freedoms. I am truly blessed.
Carey Rogers
aka Roscoe's mommy
Hi Kym,
I love love the prize...So glad to Be an American..... Terri
Too many blessings....healthy kids & grandkids, wonderful family/friends, both myself & husband have good jobs & try to help those less fortunate as much as possible....
Our youth pastor has a saying he says all the time...GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! Luv that..simp25@frontier.com
Oh what an awesome prize package! I'd have to say the biggest blessing over the past year was when my husband and daughter surprised me with a Wire Fox Terrier adoption to replace my 14 year old furry friend who left us on October 1, 2010.
SUPERB and GENEROUS giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity :)
I am disabled with all 4 limbs compromised, and spinal issues, and poor hubby still is working (due to this) and he'll be 70 in August.
so Blessing #1 is that hubby, eventhough diabetic with complications, and CAD...is still fit enough to work F/T and keep our heads above water.
Blessing# 2 My mom, is still alive at 84
Blessing #3 is our youngest child, who is the only one out of 3 that hasn't some kind of emotional break down all the time, and blaming us for problems in her life, and is still in our lives
Blessing #4, our son leaving (again) his dog with us, who has gone a long way to giving us both things to smile and laugh at on a daily basis, he left his cat with us also (who is cool cause he has 6 digits on each of his front paws) he can be fun sometimes, but more often then not he is a PITA
Blessing #5, all though in dire need of work, including some major, our old house is still providing shelter
Blessing #6 (equal to one) is Hubby allowing me to use my SS check (after food, and paying for our "pod" on myself(paper craft stuff or other)
Once we get out of this house, and he retires, that will not be the case. Our already tight budget, will be tighter. (Though hopefully we will not have a monthly mortgage or rent payment)
Blessing#7 My daughter (oldest) finally graduated college, after many years of bad relationships, and a bad marriage. we are estranged but I still am very proud of her and love her very much. She also was accepted to her first choice of Grad schools.
Blessing #8 A new Great-Nephew has joined the family, and he is beautiful! (healthy also)
Blessing #9 A Great-niece that has a very rare, fatal, and excruciatingly painful disease is still alive, and still brave and happy in between her painful 3 hour daily dressing changes. However, she is still having blue spells (turns blue and stops breathing due to the pain) and they are thinking about paralyzing her vocal cords to keep her from crying, but then of course she will not be able to speak.
if interested you can check her and the disease out at:
Thank you for making me look at the good things :)
Hi Kym!
Beautiful projects and a very generous giveaway! Thank you for taking part of this important blog hop!! I have family fighting overseas and I am soo honored that others would celebrate Flag Day.
Super prize package! My blessing has to be my husband finding a doctor who believes he can help with his severe pain issues after two years of looking. Thanks for the chance at some awesome blog candy. jmniffer at comcast dot net
Hello, I love the tin, so cool. I am so blessed. I am graduating July 5 with a Bachelors in the Science of Business. I have three healthy children. My husband has survived another year (he had two triple bypasses 3 years ago back-to-back a month apart as the first one failed). Both my parents survived life threatening surgeries. I can not complain. God is good!
Nanci Lee Hoppe
Thinking over the past year, I must admit the bad things are what spring to mind first as my family suffered some pretty devastating losses. But you have me thinking of the good things - and there are many. We have had success in work and school, got to travel a bit, made some new friends and have grown even closer as a family.
I would have to say the biggest blessing I have had this year is just that fact that my family has stayed healthy, safe and happy. I have been blessed with a new job this year that allows me the flexibility to be home with my children when I need to be and allows me to contribute financially to our needs. Thanks for a chance to win. (That would be a blessing, too!)
What a great give away! I am blessed to have found so many friends from Stamping and even blogging, I love making cards and sharing them on the Net. I am also blessed to on have a understanding husband about my Hobby!!
Shirley Pumpkin
On mother's day, my daugther and son-in-law blessed us with by telling us that they are expecting Grandchild No. 2. I am already over the moon in love with Granchild No. 1, so I can only imagine how wonderful it will be!
What a great prize. LOVE it ALL!!!
I am thankfull for everything & anything. The good & the bad. Sometimes you have to go through the bad to get to the good. Everything happens for a reason. I am also greatfull for such a great mother. Thanks for doing this.
Denise Yanes
What great prizes. I am very blessed with a wonderful family and a great job. Nylietta@aol.com
What great prizes!! I have a very special blessing this year as my sister-in-law, (and favorite stampin' buddy),who was diagnosed with cancer last year & given a month to live still with us & doing well. She is not cancer-free but is able to do alot of things that she couldn't last year, including stamping again. Our whole family is so thankful & thank God every day for blessing us.
I completely forgot to include my e-mail in my comment so will send another. My greatest blessing this year is my dear sis-in-law, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year & given only a month to live, is still with us & doing well. we are so blessed & thank God every day. hobe2@charter.net
WOW!!! What an amazing assortment of giveaway items!! Thanks for the opportunity to win and your overwhelming generosity!
WOW what an awesome gift you are giving. I am blessed to have a nice safe home for my boys and I and for our freedom
krazykrafters at msn dot com
What fun! My greatest blessing had to be finding out my youngest has a better prognosis than we first thought and can continue to grow and flourish. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
April D
Marion, IA
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